AQ2009 – The 2009 Aquila Mw 6.1 earthquake aftershocks seismic dataset for machine learning application

Creative commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- 254 days of aftershocks (2009-04-06 up to 2009-12-20).
- 63704 earthquakes for a total of 1,258,006 3-component traces.
- Absolute (HypoEllipse) and relative (HypoDD) locations.
- 3 networks for a total of 67 stations.
- Multiple P and S pick arrivals that allow improvements in current Machine Learning algorithms development and analysis.
- 201 metadata providing information on station, trace, source, path, and data quality.
- Information on both counts and velocity.
How to cite the dataset
Bagagli, M., Valoroso, L., Michelini, A., Cianetti, S., Gaviano, S., Giunchi, C., Jozinović, D., & Lauciani, V. (2023). AQ2009 – The 2009 Aquila Mw 6.1 earthquake aftershocks seismic dataset for machine learning application. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

This work has been supported by the project INGV Pianeta Dinamico 2021 Tema 8 SOME (grant no. CUP D53J1900017001) funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research “Fondo finalizzato al rilancio degli investimenti delle amministrazioni centrali dello Stato e allo sviluppo del Paese, legge 145/2018”
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