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Catalog of effusive events at Stromboli volcano (Italy) from 1879 to 2023

Figure 1. In (a-f) we show the photographs of six effusive events. a) Perret (1916), b) Rittmann (1931), c) Cavallaro (1957b), d) Gasparini et al. (1967), e) Landi et al. (2009), f) Casalbore et al. (2021).



Supporting information (S1 – Excerpts, S2 – References, S3 – Excluded events)


Barplot summary of the catalog of effusive activity at Stromboli
Figure 2. Barplot summary of the catalog of effusive activity at Stromboli in the periods (a) 1879 – 1923, (b) 1924 – 1973 and (c) 1974 – 2023. Black bars mark L1 events, orange bars mark L2 events, red bars mark L3 events (whose years are labeled) and grey bars mark IEP events. The onset of the IEPs is also marked by a black line. The width of the bar indicates the duration of the event. The bars of the events of categories L2 and L3 are highlighted by a different height. Horizontal blue bars indicate the temporal coverage of the main sources used for this catalog (see S2 – References).

This catalog collects and describes the effusive events recorded at Stromboli from January 1879 to December 2023, as reconstructed through a detailed review of monitoring bulletins and reports (>2,000), and scientific literature (>200 papers) of the last ca. 150 years. The catalog includes the calendar date, the hours of the event onset (when available) and phenomena descriptions of 256 effusive events.

In more detail, we reported: (i) duration of the event, (ii) group of vent involved, (iii) products location on Sciara del Fuoco, (iv) n° flows/overflows per event, (v) associated lava volumes/time-averaged discharge rate/effusion rates (when available), (vi) associated landslides (if any), (vii) occurrence of a major explosion/paroxysm within ±2 days (based on Bevilacqua et al. 2020; 2023).

The catalog includes additional columns describing the temporal coverage of the bulletins/reports, catalogs and scientific literature, that distinguish periods of more continuous monitoring from periods of relatively sparse observations.

These events were also classified into three categories (L1, L2 and L3) based on their duration, herein assumed as a proxy of the potential erupted volume. In more detail: L1 events are those with duration ≤ 2 days; L2 events are those with duration 3-29 days; L3 events are those with duration ≥ 30 days.

An additional category named “Intermittent Effusive Period” (IEP) was also considered to account for events with unclear and/or discontinuous duration. In the revised sources, some of the above-mentioned events (L1 and IEP) are sometimes said to have been “possibly happened” and are therefore considered as uncertain. Finally, in our catalog we have not considered rheomorphic flows and events reported in any previous catalogs but inconsistent with the original data sources. The list of these excluded events is attached in a supplementary file (see below).

Among the counted 256 events, 182 were L1 (15 of which uncertain), 54 were L2, 11 were L3 and 9 were IEP (4 of which uncertain). These data strictly report the original observations, and we did not merge adjacent effusive events or intermittent effusive periods.

Differently from the previous catalogs, this catalog is organized month-by-month, to highlight the length of the effusive events and the quality of the monitoring coverage, also in the periods without any effusive activity observed. However, we include the “traditional” event-wise table summary of all the effusive record, including a synoptic panel comparing the new catalog to the pre-existing catalogs (Nappi, 1976b; Capaldi et al., 1978; Barberi et al., 1993; Marsella et al., 2012; Rosi et al., 2013; Calvari and Nunnari, 2023).

In addition, this catalog is accompanied by three supporting files. Supporting Material S1 is the collection of synthetic excerpts from the source documents, including some of the original figures.  These descriptions are highlighted according to a specific color code. Supporting Material S2 is the full bibliography. Supporting Material S3 is the list of the effusive events excluded from the main catalog. In this latter we report the reason(s) for exclusion and original excerpts from the sources describing the event. In summary, this dataset supports the characterization of historical and recent effusive events at Stromboli. These findings contribute to an improved understanding of the temporal patterns associated with Stromboli’s eruptive activity. The dataset is open: additions and improvements of the current record are planned as new data will become available.


  • Barberi, F., Rosi, M., and Sodi, A. (1993). Volcanic hazard assessment at Stromboli based on a review of historical data. Acta Vulcanologica 3, 173-187.
  • Bevilacqua, A., Bertagnini, A., Pompilio, M., Landi, P., Del Carlo, P., Di Roberto, A., Piccione, C., and Neri, A. (2020). Historical catalog of major explosions and paroxysms at Stromboli (Italy). INGV Ufficio Dati,
  • Bevilacqua, A., Bertagnini, A., Pompilio, M., Landi, P., Del Carlo, P., Di Roberto, A., Tadini, A., Piccione, C., Falsaperla, S., Spampinato, S., and Neri, A. (2023). Catalog of major explosions and paroxysms at Stromboli volcano (Italy) from 1970 to 2023. INGV Ufficio Dati,
  • Calvari, S. and Nunnari, G. (2023) Statistical Insights on the Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano (Italy) Recorded from 1879 to 2023. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 4822.
  • Capaldi, G., Guerra, I., Lo Bascio, A., Luongo, G., Pece, R., Rapolla, A., Scarpa, R., Del Pezzo, E., Martini, M., Ghiara, M.R., Lirer, L., Munno, R., and La Volpe, L. (1978). Stromboli and its 1975 eruption. Bull Volcanol 41, 259–285,
  • Marsella, M., Baldi, P., Coltelli, M., and Fabris, M. (2012). The morphological evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco since 1868: reconstructing the effusive activity at Stromboli volcano. Bull Volcanol, 74, 231-248.
  • Nappi, G. (1976b). L’eruzione dello Stromboli del novembre 1975. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. 95, 991-1008.
  • Rosi, M., Pistolesi, M., Bertagnini, A., Landi, P., Pompilio, M., and Di Roberto, A. (2013). Chapter 14 Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy): present eruptive activity and hazards. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 37(1), 473-490.