![Figure 1 - historical eruptions of the Stromboli volcano](https://www.pi.ingv.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/FigPhotos_new500px.png)
DATA BASE (new version – updates in January 2024)
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Andrea Bevilacqua(1), Antonella Bertagnini(1), Massimo Pompilio(1), Patrizia Landi(1), Paola Del Carlo(1), Alessio Di Roberto(1), Caterina Piccione(2), Augusto Neri(2)
1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
2Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Amministrazione Centrale, Roma, Italy.
Corresponding author: andrea.bevilacqua@ingv.it.
![HISTORICAL CATALOG OF MAJOR EXPLOSIONS AND PAROXYSMS AT STROMBOLI](https://www.pi.ingv.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Picture_Summary_new2.png)
This is the dataset of the major explosions and paroxysms record at Stromboli from 1879 to 1960, as reconstructed through a detailed review of scientific literature of the last ca. 145 years. The catalog includes the calendar date and phenomena descriptions for 125 explosive events, of which 36 were paroxysms.
We summarized the event information content in five columns – (i) noise and earthquakes, (ii) ash plume, (iii) large ejecta, (iv) PDC and tsunami, (v) lava flows. Where possible, the extracts contained the description of any volcanic activity at least one month before the eruption and one month after. The catalog also includes a sequence of extracts from the original literature sources that helped us in the complex characterization of the less recent events. In our analysis, we mostly relied on the detailed characterization of major explosions and paroxysms in Rosi et al. 2013 that provided quantitative constraints on total duration, fallout volume, mass discharge rate, ballistic size, ballistic range and column height of ordinary activity, major explosions, and paroxysms. In several cases, we had to carefully evaluate the original description of the phenomena, due to insufficient quantitative information in the scientific literature.
In particular, we considered the area affected by large ballistic projectiles as the discriminant factor to distinguish between ordinary activity, major explosions and paroxysms. This area is limited to the Crater Terrace in case of ordinary activity, to the summit area of the volcano and Sciara del Fuoco during major explosions, and can extend down to low elevations along large part of the island, and sometimes beyond the shoreline, during the paroxysms (Barberi et al., 1993). We also considered several other factors, including the height of the plume, the amount of ash and scoria fallout, the occurrence and strength of any associated shock wave. The occurrence of PDC and/or tsunami associated with the violent explosive activity was assumed as a marker for a paroxysm too(Rosi et al., 2013). The determination of the hour and minute of the explosion in the historical documents usually distinguishes the most violent phenomena.
Whilst identifying the paroxysms was relatively straightforward, several possible major explosions were not clearly distinguishable from particularly violent episodes of the ordinary Strombolian activity. Thus, our historical record includes the quantification of the main sources of uncertainty, i.e. the possibility of major explosions of uncertain characterization because of insufficient information. We thus categorized as uncertain 48 major explosions.
In the catalog the paroxysms are indicated as ‘XX’, the major explosions as ‘X’, and the major explosion of uncertain characterization as ‘X?’.
- Barberi F., M. Rosi, A. Sodi (1993). Volcanic hazard assessment at Stromboli based on review of historical data, Acta Vulcanologica, 3:173-187.
- Bevilacqua A., A. Bertagnini, M. Pompilio, P. Landi, P. Del Carlo, A. Di Roberto, W. Aspinall, A. Neri (2020). Major explosions and paroxysms at Stromboli (Italy): a new historical catalog and temporal models of occurrence with uncertainty quantification, Nature – Scientific Reports 10/17357, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74301-8.
- Bertagnini A., N. Métrich, L. Francalanci, P. Landi, S. Tommasini, S. Conticelli (2008). Volcanology and magma geochemistry of the present-day activity: constraints on the feeding system. In: AGU, Geophysical Monograph 182, Washington, DC, 19-38.
- Cavallaro C. (1962). L’esplosione dello Stromboli dell’11 Luglio 1959. Riv. Stromboli, 8, 11-14.
- Perret F.A. (1916). The lava eruption of Stromboli summer-autumn, 1915, American Journal of Science, 42, 436-457.
- Rosi M., M. Pistolesi, A. Bertagnini, P. Landi, M. Pompilio, A. Di Roberto (2013). Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy): present eruptive activity and hazards. In: Geological Society, London, Memoirs 37, 475–492.
Bevilacqua A., Bertagnini A., Pompilio, M., Landi, P., Del Carlo, P., D Roberto, A., Piccione, C., Neri, A. (2020). Historical catalog of major explosions and paroxysms at Stromboli (Italy).
INGV Ufficio Dati, https://doi.org/10.13127/STROMBOLI/STRCATALOG.
A digital version of the literature sources referenced is available from the corresponding author (A.B.). The modeling and estimation of inter-event time and temporal rate of major explosions and paroxysms at Stromboli volcano, basing on this catalog, is detailed in Bevilacqua et al., 2020.
List of historical references of the catalog
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