AIQUA Congress 2012 – First Call
| | Programma | Locandina |
Associazione Italiana per Lo studio del Quaternario – AIQUA
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Pisa
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia sez. Pisa -INGV
Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – IGG-CNR
“The transition from Natural to Anthropogenic-Dominated environmental change in Italy and the surrounding regions since the Neolithic”
Pisa, 15-16-17 Febbraio, 2012
Under the sponsorship:
Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali
Associazione Italiana di Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia (AIGEO)
Associazione Italiana per la Vulcanologia (AIV)
Comitato Glaciologico Italiano
Regione Toscana
Organising committee
Zanchetta Giovanni (Università di Pisa), Adele Bertini (Università di Firenze), Monica Bini (Università di Pisa), Giovanni Boschian (Università di Pisa), Edi Chiarini (ISPRA-Roma), Mauro Cremaschi (Università di Milano), Ilaria Isola (INGV-Pisa), Biagio Giaccio (CNR-IGAG Roma), Laura Sadori (Università la Sapienza, Roma); Stefano Furlani (Università degli Studi di Padova, Università di Trieste), Adriano Ribolini (Università di Pisa).
Scientific committee
Carlo Baroni (Università di Pisa), Fabrizio Antonioli (ENEA – Casaccia), Dario Camuffo (CNR – ISAC, Padova), Alberto Carton (Università di Padova), Raffaello Cioni (Università di Cagliari), Paola Del Carlo (INGV Pisa), Mauro Antonio Di Vito (Osservatorio Vesuviano, Napoli), Russell Drysdale (University of Melbourne), Letizia Gualandi (Università di Pisa), Antonio Longinelli (Università di Parma), Michel Magny (CNRS-Besancon, France), Paolo Mozzi (Università di Padova), Giuseppe Orombelli (Università di Milano), Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo (Università dei Paesi Baschi), Cesare Ravazzi (CNR-IDPA Milano), Giuseppe Siani (CNRS-Université Paris-Sud XI, France), Roberto Sulpizio (Università di Bari)
The increasing awareness about humanity facing the serious problem of global warming and its potential to cause catastrophic climatic changes, which are caused or amplified by anthropogenic activities, poses important challenges for many fields of science. Although paleoscientists can provide neither a political nor an economical answer to this problem, they can contribute to a better knowledge of the climate system and how it has changed up to the present by supplying data on climate change during the past. This was well summarized recently by P. Cox and C. Jones (2008) in Science where they stated: “Paleoclimatic data cannot tell us how to meet the challenge of managing 21st-century climate change, but they can help us to better understand the nature of this challenge”. Therefore, detailed and quantitative paleoclimate data are of paramount importance for understanding the climate system and offer past scenarios for testing climate models, which are at the base of our future projections (Overpeck et al 2006). Given the predictions of future climate, changes in rainfall and water resources seem certain to have important socio-economic and political impacts in the Mediterranean region. Understanding the variability of hydro-climate over different time scales is therefore an essential prerequisite for establishing predicted future climatic change and its possible impact on human society. This congress will bring together scientists of different disciplines (Geochemistry, Geology, Geomorphology, Palaeoceanography, Archaeology, Palaeobotany, Volcanology, Geochronology etc.) to discuss the different facets of climatic changes and the impact on ancient societies over the Italian peninsula and surrounding regions. The main target of the congress will be to promote intense discussion on the best documented climatic and environmental changes along with archaeological data in order to understand what particular climatic events may represent potential analogues (even if no perfect analogues can be found for the high atmospheric CO2 content at the current time) for future climate predictions or to examine the effect of climate on ancient civilizations and/or the effect of civilizations over the environment. The congress will be organised by way of thematic sessions with large rooms devoted to discussion.
Sessions (the content of the sessions is available on
- Holocene environmental changes recorded at high mountain sites (Chairmen: Carlo Baroni, Cesare Ravazzi)
- Sea level and coastal evolution (Chairmen: Fabrizio Antonioli, Giovanni Sarti, Giuseppe Mastronuzzi)
- Environment, climate and human impact: the archaeological evidence (Chairmen: Mauro Cremaschi, Letizia Gualandi, Adriana Moroni)
- Marine proxy records (Chairmen: Fabrizio Lirer, Lucilla Capotondi)
- Continental proxy records (Chairmen: Giovanni Zanchetta, Laura Sadori)
- Volcanic impact on ancient societies, tephrostratigraphy and correlation and synchronization of archives (Chairmen: Biagio Giaccio, Raffaello Cioni, Mauro Di Vito)
- Documentary proxies and early instrumental observations (Chairman: Dario Camuffo)
The congress will be held at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa
In case of large participation (the main lecture room of the department has a capacity of ca 100 persons), another solution will be found.
Inscription are formally opened on 15 October 2011:
15 January 2012: final deadline for abstract submission and payment.
Inscription fee
90 € for the whole congress
60 € for the whole congress (AIQUA member)
Congress is free for students (e.g. Ph.D, post-doc)
Daily cost
40 €
30 € (AIQUA member)
Price will be increased by 20% in case of direct inscription and payment at the congress
Since the 15 October all the submission and request of information will be done using the mail:
AIQUA2012 (at)
Details for payment can be found visiting the site
For any information please contact:
zanchetta (at)
ribolini (at)
For in advance inscription and demonstration of interest please contact:
bini (at)