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THz Pyro-Optical Detector Based on LiNbO3 Whispering Gallery Mode Microdisc Resonator

Cosci A., M. Cerminara, G. Nunzi Conti, S. Soria, G.C. Righini and S. Pelli (2017).
Sensors, 17/2, 258; doi:10.3390/s17020258


This study analyzes the capabilities of a LiNbO3 whispering gallery mode microdisc resonator as a potential bolometer detector in the THz range. The resonator is theoretically characterized in the stationary regime by its thermo-optic and thermal coefficients. Considering a Q-factor of 107, a minimum detectable power of 20 μW was evaluated, three orders of magnitude above its noise equivalent power. This value opens up the feasibility of exploiting LiNbO3 disc resonators as sensitive room-temperature detectors in the THz range.