Study area with the location of core ANTA02-NW2 collected in 2002 during the XVII PNRA cruise. The detailed map of the study area is shown in the red inset. Map created using [54] with modified bathymetry. Isobaths every 25 m. Salvi G., R. Melis, P. Del Carlo and A.
Public earthquake communication in Italy through a multi-source social media platform: the INGVterremoti experience (2010-2022)
Pignone M., A. Amato, C. Nostro, E. Casarotti, C. Meletti, M. Quintiliani, V. Lauciani (2022). Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. Abstract Communicating scientific information about earthquakes is an important and delicate issue in countries like Italy,where seismic risk is high. Furthermore, continuous and scientifically sound communication…
Age of the Valle del Bove formation and chronology of the post-collapse flank eruptions, Etna volcano (Italy)
Figure 4. Thin section images at simple Plane Polarized Light (PPL) or Crossed Nicols (NX) of five different sites sampled at Caselle (a, b, c, d, e) and Fornazzo (f) quarries (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). a) ETN35 (NX); b) ETN36 (NX); c and d) ETN37 (NX and PPL,…
Dynamics of Magma Chamber Replenishment Under Buoyancy and Pressure Forces
Computed evolution of composition for the buoyant simulation cases. The figures show a zoom view of the shallow chamber and upper portion of the feeding dyke. Longo A., D. Garg, P. Papale, C. P. Montagna (2023).Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 128/1. Active magma chambers…
Real-time probabilistic assessment of volcanic hazard for tephra dispersal and fallout at Mt. Etna: the 2021 lava fountain episodes
Ground hazard maps produced for the 28 February 2021 lava fountain episode. The left plots of panel (a) and (b) show the probability to exceed a ground load of 0.5 kg m2, while the right plots present the probability to exceed 5 kg m2. Contour lines highlight the places of…
Data analysis of the unsteadily accelerating GPS and seismic records at Campi Flegrei caldera from 2000 to 2020
Bevilacqua A., P. De Martino, F. Giudicepietro, P. Ricciolino, A. Patra, E.B. Pitman, M. Bursik, B. Voight, F. Flandoli, G. Macedonio, A. Neri (2022).Nature – Scientific reports, 12, Abstract Ongoing resurgence affects Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) via bradyseism, i.e. a series of ground deformation episodes accompanied…
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