Figure 1.a) Geologic sketch map of the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field (modified after Liotta and Brogi, 2020). The red dot in the inset is the location of the LTGF; b) Geological sketch section (A-A’ in Fig. 1a; modified after Arias et al., 2010 and Liotta and Brogi, 2020). c) Sketch showing the surface manifestation and the general movement…
Volcanic Tremor Tracks Changes in Multi-Vent Activity at Mt. Etna, Italy: Evidence From Analyses of Seismic Array Data
(a) 10-min RMS of seismic volcanic tremor between 16 July 2021 and 24 August 2021 at station ACPN1 (HHZ, vertical component; see Figure 1b for details on station location); (b) spectrogram between 16 July 2021 and 24 August 2021 at station ACPN1 (HHZ, vertical component) and dominant frequency (white line);…
Come cambia la probabilità di terremoti dopo le eruzioni laterali dell’Etna?
di Andrea Bevilacqua, Raffaele Azzaro, Stefano Branca, Salvatore D’Amico, Franco Flandoli, Augusto Neri. Storicamente le eruzioni laterali dell’Etna, quelle che producono colate di lava da fessure situate lungo i fianchi del vulcano, sono spesso accompagnate da eventi sismici distruttivi nell’area Etnea. L’impatto concomitante dei due fenomeni sul territorio può essere…
Assessing minimum pyroclastic density current mass to impact critical infrastructures: example from Aso caldera (Japan)
Probabilistic PDC invasion maps for four sets of simulations (N=1000 each run) with different values of collapsing volume and vent positions sampled uniformly within Aso caldera. The other input parameters are derived from expert judgment. Dotted gray circles mark the positions of the five marker sites. Contour lines show the…
Bright-Night 2022. La notte delle ricercatrici e dei ricercatori in Toscana
Il programma delle iniziative della Sezione Firenze | 24 settembre | dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 11.30 Lo Ximeniano e la sua storia Il primo evento INGV è in collaborazione con il progetto Society riPENSAci!. Filippo Bernardini e Gianfranco Vannucci guideranno i visitatori dell’Osservatorio Ximeniano (Firenze, Via Borgo San Lorenzo 26, in un tour del museo…
Quantifying the Statistical Relationships Between Flank Eruptions and Major Earthquakes at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)
Histograms of the interevent time of earthquakes and flank eruptions <4 months, including pie charts of the positive values (dark colors), negative values in [−2.5, 0] days (light colors), and lower than −2.5 days (white). (a, c, e) show the earthquakes with Ix ≥ V–VI EMS; (b, d, f) those with Ix ≥ VII–VIII EMS. (a,…
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